Pastor Si-Môn (Giarai tribe)

“For if God be on our side, what matter maketh it who be against us, be they bishops, cardinals, popes, or whatsoever names they will?” (William Tyndale)

Before I knew God, I worshiped many idols, I was an alcoholic, a man of violence. I experienced a miraculous change in my life when I got saved. I was free from fear of the devil, alcohol, violence. My family saw it clearly. Not long after that experience, I began to testify about Jesus to my relatives and neighbors in my village.

I was discovered by the authorities and arrested, forced to do hard labor and sentenced to 3 years in prison. After being detained for my faith, I returned home safely. I continued to serve God, share the gospel to the unreached and plant churches.

Currently, I am taking care of 7 churches in my village. My daughter and sister-in-law also participate in serving the Lord with me today.
Spiritual lessons:

  • There was a quiet voice in my heart, “I have loved you, saved you, are you willing to be persecuted for my sake?” That thought was the driving force that helped me overcome persecution and difficulties. I believe this comes from the Spirit of God. Because it is He who comforts and encourages us.
  • When I face persecution, God always gives me wisdom and boldness to respond as the Bible says:

“When they hand you over, do not be afraid of what you will say, but until that hour come, speak according to the word that will be given you; For it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 13:11)

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But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!

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