House-to-House Witness in Da Nang (October 19-20, 2024)

Pastor Samuel, associate pastor to Pastor David To, along with some deacons, visited new homes in Da Nang to share the gospel. During their outreach, they were invited to witness to a family whose two children had been oppressed by demons for 10 years. The family had sought help from hospitals, pagodas, and witchdoctors but found no solution.

After hearing the message of the Gospel, the entire family accepted Christ, burning all their objects and idols. The team prayed for the children to be freed from demonic oppression, and they showed significant improvement after the prayer. Following this powerful moment, we conducted a Bible study at their house.

We praise God for this incredible transformation and for His power to heal and set the captives free. Please continue to pray for this family and the new believers in Da Nang.

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