A 31-Day Prayer Guide

1. Pray for Vietnamese Christians to be bold and stand firm during persecution.

2. Pray for the Giay people to have Scripture in their own language and to hear the gospel.

3. Pray for God to destroy the spiritual bonds of ancestor worship and reveal His truth to the Vietnamese people.

4. Pray for Vietnam’s poverty reduction programs to reach more people in rural areas to get them the help they need.

5. Pray for the millions of Buddhists in Vietnam to find true joy and peace that can only come from God.

6. Pray for street vendors to find the provision and love offered through Christ.

7. Pray for more rural pastors and leaders to have the opportunity to be trained and equipped to serve their churches.

8. Pray for Christian leaders, especially in the north and central highlands where they are heavily watched.

9. Pray for more Hmong to turn to Christ and for Hmong people to reach out to others around them.

10. Pray for Vietnamese to emerge from the many religions they practice to find true faith in Jesus Christ alone.

11. Pray for the victims of human trafficking to be released and find true healing through a relationship with Christ.

12. Pray for students to hear the gospel while they are studying in cities and for them to take it back to their families.

13. Pray for God to reveal the truth about the eternal resurrection of the dead to Vietnamese people.

14. Pray for church leaders to support one another in love and to work together to reach Vietnamese with the gospel.

15. Pray for Christians to find strength and love from God during difficult times with their families.

16. Pray for the gospel to spread among factory workers who often feel alone in cities and for churches to be planted among them.

17. Pray that the people of Vietnam would choose a life without fear through faith in Jesus.

18. Pray for women who bear the burden of responsibility for their families to find hope in Christ and to lean on Him for support.

19. Pray for God to continue the work that has begun among the Muong people.

20. Pray for the millions of people worshipping idols to find true salvation through Jesus Christ.

21. Pray for more Christians to find favor with the government and to be allowed to minister openly.

22. Pray for the gospel to have freedom to break through barriers and for God to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.

23. Pray for the San Diu to have God’s Word in their own language.

24. Pray for Vietnamese to celebrate eternal life found only in Jesus Christ instead of the anniversaries of the dead.

25. Ask God to send Christians to share the gospel with restaurant workers as they work.

26. Pray for Vietnamese Catholics to open their hearts to salvation in Jesus Christ alone.

27. Pray for Vietnamese people to learn that life begins at conception and for abortion rates in Vietnam to decrease.

28. Pray for new believers to stand firm in their faith as they begin facing persecution.

29. Pray that God would raise up more laborers to widely spread the gospel among the Tay.

30. Pray for whole families to make the decision to follow Christ and to pass the gospel on to future generations.

31. Pray for “overseas Vietnamese” to hear the gospel and turn to follow Christ.

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